TECOM - TECO Group >> Industry 4.0 Solution from Tecom employs the most advanced core technology of Industry 4.0 as well as integrating IoT, cloud computing, big data and mobile communication technology :: Authorized Distributors | Dealers | Agents | Suppliers | Worldwide | Global Sales Representative :: TECOM - Malaysia | Thailand | Indonesia | Singapore | Vietnam | Philippines | Myanmar | Cambodia | Brunei | Laos | India | Nepal | Brunei | UAE | Australia | New Zealand | Sri-Lanka
Industry 4.0 | Tecom
Application Video Clip- TECOM Products
Tecom Distributors : Malaysia | Thailand | Indonesia | Singapore | Vietnam | Philippines | Myanmar | Cambodia | Brunei | Laos | India | Nepal | Brunei | UAE
Teco Group - Smart Motor installed with Tecom VB-100 smart vibration sensor |
Smart Bluetooth Vibration Temperature Meter TecomVB-800 |
Teco Group - New Generation Vibration Gauge Tecom VB-100 , VB-800 |
Product introduction: Tecom VB-100 smart vibration sensor with built-in screen accelerometer vibration gauge smart vibration sensor |
TECO Group - Tecom Company "Unmanned Inspection" Solution for Factory"
Tecom Pro-9000P high-tech vibration diagnostic instrument
MHm-P Health Management Platform Introduction Part 1
Product introduction: Tecom VB800 Bluetooth Vibration Temperature Sensor, Accelerometer, Vibration Gauge |
Tecom VB800ML reduces electricity waste
TECOM - Teco Group Application Guide
Tecom Distributors : Malaysia | Thailand | Indonesia | Singapore | Vietnam | Philippines | Myanmar | Cambodia | Brunei | Laos | India | Nepal | Brunei | UAE
Roof mechanical and electrical equipment health management [Factory unmanned inspection plan]
Do you know?
Some factory equipment installed on the roof area of the factory building, such as: fan motors in cooling water towers, exhaust fan motors, etc., due to the inconvenience of climbing to the top, It is not easy to get close to the measurement, or to prevent industrial safety accidents. Considering the unsafe factors of manual measurement, it is easy to cause equipment monitoring for these Breach, unmanned inspection, is absolutely just needed for the inspection of roof factory equipment. TECO Group and Tecom launched [Unmanned Factory Inspection], which adopts wireless connection and is easy to install. It is especially suitable for installation on the roof of the factory building. It is the best and only solution for the factory equipment, investment recovery time, and guaranteed stunning.
Some factory equipment installed on the roof area of the factory building, such as: fan motors in cooling water towers, exhaust fan motors, etc., due to the inconvenience of climbing to the top, It is not easy to get close to the measurement, or to prevent industrial safety accidents. Considering the unsafe factors of manual measurement, it is easy to cause equipment monitoring for these Breach, unmanned inspection, is absolutely just needed for the inspection of roof factory equipment. TECO Group and Tecom launched [Unmanned Factory Inspection], which adopts wireless connection and is easy to install. It is especially suitable for installation on the roof of the factory building. It is the best and only solution for the factory equipment, investment recovery time, and guaranteed stunning.
Suitable for Various Type of equipment ( Including Roof Top Cooling Tower ) & High Technology Equipment
Company Profile
Tecom Co., Ltd., Taiwan's leading telecommunications equipment maker, an affiliate of the Teco group, was established in 1980 in the Science-Based Park in Hsinchu, Taiwan and has been publicly listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange since November 1991.
Tecom Co., Ltd., Taiwan’s leading telecommunications equipment maker, an affiliate of the Teco group, was established in 1980 in the Science-Based Park in Hsinchu, Taiwan and has been publicly listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange since November 1991.
Tecom has rapidly grown into one of Taiwan’s most successful high-tech companies with over 40 years experience in OEM, CMS and Global Partnership. Tecom is Taiwan’s No.1 434Business Communications Maker with a domestic SME Market Share of over 60%. Renowned for its innovative applications in Fixed, Mobile and IP Networks, Tecom now specializes in providing communication convergence solutions for Enterprise, Carrier and Consumer markets. We have full product-development capability in customer-side service-enablers (H/W, S/W, F/W, Mechanical Designs, ASIC design, etc..)
Tecom’s Taiwan’s branch office is located in the Nankang Software Park in Taipei. This branch office specializes on Sales, Customer Service and R&D.
Tecom’s R&D centers are located in Taipei Nankang Taiwan and WuHan China. WuHan Tecom Co. Ltd., was established in 2002 at East Lake High-Tech Park, otherwise known as China’s Optical Valley.
Tecom’s internationally renowned, ISO9001/ TL9000 certificated, manufacturing facilities are located in Hsinchu, Taiwan, Tecom manufacturing facilities specialize in low volume with high complexity, medium volume with medium complexity and high volume with low complexity productions.
Tecom has rapidly grown into one of Taiwan’s most successful high-tech companies with over 40 years experience in OEM, CMS and Global Partnership. Tecom is Taiwan’s No.1 434Business Communications Maker with a domestic SME Market Share of over 60%. Renowned for its innovative applications in Fixed, Mobile and IP Networks, Tecom now specializes in providing communication convergence solutions for Enterprise, Carrier and Consumer markets. We have full product-development capability in customer-side service-enablers (H/W, S/W, F/W, Mechanical Designs, ASIC design, etc..)
Tecom’s Taiwan’s branch office is located in the Nankang Software Park in Taipei. This branch office specializes on Sales, Customer Service and R&D.
Tecom’s R&D centers are located in Taipei Nankang Taiwan and WuHan China. WuHan Tecom Co. Ltd., was established in 2002 at East Lake High-Tech Park, otherwise known as China’s Optical Valley.
Tecom’s internationally renowned, ISO9001/ TL9000 certificated, manufacturing facilities are located in Hsinchu, Taiwan, Tecom manufacturing facilities specialize in low volume with high complexity, medium volume with medium complexity and high volume with low complexity productions.
Tecom - Vibration Diagnosis Instrument
Tecom Distributors : Malaysia | Thailand | Indonesia | Singapore | Vietnam | Philippines | Myanmar | Cambodia | Brunei | Laos | India | Nepal | Brunei | UAE
Tecom Pro-3200TECOM Pro-3200 is All Smart Portable Vibration Diagnosis Instrument
Tecom Pro-3200-DBTECOM Pro-3200-DB :: Routine Check Database Management Software
Tecom - Smart IIoT Gateway
Tecom Distributors : Malaysia | Thailand | Indonesia | Singapore | Vietnam | Philippines | Myanmar | Cambodia | Brunei | Laos | India | Nepal | Brunei | UAE
Tecom xDAQ600TECOM xDAQ600 = DAQ + IoT Gateway + AI Diagnosis Software + Smart Phone APP
Tecom AG-300 PlusTECOM AG-300 Plus is Smart Mobile Maintenance IIoT Gateway
Tecom - Smart Vibration Gauge
Distributors : Malaysia | Thailand | Indonesia | Singapore | Vietnam | Philippines | Myanmar | Cambodia | Brunei | Laos | India | Nepal | Brunei | UAE
Tecom Dr. V : VB-800TECOM Dr. V -VB-800 is Wireless Vibration Temperature Sensor
Tecom Dr. V : VB-100TECOM Dr. V - VB-100 Wireless Vibration Temperature Sensor - VB-100A | VB-100B | VB-100C
Tecom VB-300SCTECOM VB-300SC - Industrial grade, screw lock-type, tri-axial vibration gauge (with fixed cable) - VB-300SCB | VB-300SCT
Tecom VB-300SCBTecom VB-300SCB -Industrial grade, screw lock-type, triaxial vibration gauge (separation cable)
Tecom VB-300SCTTecom VB-300SCT - Industrial grade, screw lock-type, triaxial vibration gauge (with Teflon cable)
Tecom VB-310SCBTecom VB-310SCB - Industrial grade, screw lock-type, stainless steel, triaxial vibration gauge (cable separated)
Tecom VB-320SCBTecom VB-320SCB - Industrial grade, screw lock-type, stainless steel, triaxial vibration gauge (separation cable)
Tecom VB-420 MILTecom VB-420 MIL - Industrial grade, screw lock-type, 4-20mA, stainless steel, single-axis vibration gauge (separation cable)
Tecom VB-420SCBTecom VB-420SCB - Industrial grade, screw lock-type, single-axis vibration gauge (separation cable)
Tecom -Smart Temperature Sensor
Tecom Distributors : Malaysia | Thailand | Indonesia | Singapore | Vietnam | Philippines | Myanmar | Cambodia | Brunei | Laos | India | Nepal | Brunei | UAE
Tecom - Smart Power Meter | Signal Converter (Transducer)
Tecom Distributors : Malaysia | Thailand | Indonesia | Singapore | Vietnam | Philippines | Myanmar | Cambodia | Brunei | Laos | India | Nepal | Brunei | UAE
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TECOM Industry 4.0 :: TECOM Authorized Distributors >> ADVFIT Automation | Distributors / Distribution Network | Tecom Agents | Tecom Dealers | Tecom Reseller | Tecom Supplier | Afghanistan | Albania | Algeria | Andorra | Angola Antigua & Barbuda | Argentina | Armenia | Tecom Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Bahamas | Bahrain | Tecom Bangladesh | Barbados | Belarus | Belgium | Belize | Benin | Tecom Bhutan | Bolivia | Bosnia & Herzegovina | Botswana | Brazil | Werma Brunei Darussalam | Bulgaria | Burkina Faso | Tecom Burma (Myanmar) | Burundi | Tecom Cambodia | Cameroon | Canada | Cape | Verde | Central African Republic | Chad | Chile | China | Colombia | Comoros | Congo | Democratic Republic of the Costa Rica | Côte d'Ivoire | Croatia | Cuba | Cyprus | Tecom Czech Republic | Denmark | Djibouti | Dominica | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | East Timor | Tecom Egypt | El Salvador | England | Equatorial Guinea Eritrea | Estonia | Ethiopia | Fiji | Finland | Tecom France | Gabon Gambia | The Georgia | Tecom Germany | Ghana | Great Britain | Greece | Grenada Guatemala | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Guyana | Haiti | Honduras | Tecom Hungary | Tecom Iceland | Tecom India | Tecom Indonesia | Iran | Iraq | Ireland | Israel | Tecom Italy | Jamaica | Japan | Jordan | Kazakhstan | Kenya | Kiribati | Korea North | Korea South | Kosovo | Tecom Kuwait | Kyrgyzstan | Laos | Latvia | Lebanon | Lesotho | Liberia | Libya | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Macedonia | Madagascar | Malawi | Tecom Malaysia Authorized Distributors | Maldives | Mali | Malta | Marshall Islands | Mauritania | Mauritius | Mexico | Micronesia | Moldova | Monaco | Mongolia | Montenegro | Morocco | Mozambique | Myanmar | Namibia | Nauru | Tecom Nepal | The Netherlands | Tecom New Zealand | Nicaragua | Niger | Nigeria | Norway | Northern Ireland | Tecom Oman | Tecom Pakistan | Palau | Palestinian State | Panama | Tecom Papua New Guinea | Paraguay | Tecom Peru | Tecom Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Qatar | Romania | Russia | Rwanda | St. Kitts & Nevis | St. Lucia St. Vincent & The Grenadines | Samoa | San Marino | São Tomé & Príncipe | Saudi Arabia | Scotland | Senegal | Serbia | Seychelles | Sierra Leone | Tecom Singapore | Slovakia | Slovenia | Solomon Islands | Somalia, South Africa | Spain | Tecom Sri Lanka | Tecom Sudan | Suriname | Swaziland | Sweden | Switzerland | Syria | Tecom Taiwan | Tajikistan | Tanzania | Tecom Thailand | Togo | Tonga | Trinidad & Tobago | Tunisia | Turkey | Turkmenistan | Tuvalu | Uganda | Ukraine | Tecom United Arab Emirates (UAE) | United Kingdom | United States (USA) | Uruguay | Uzbekistan | Vanuatu | Vatican City (Holy See) | Venezuela | Tecom Vietnam | Western Sahara | Wales | Tecom Yemen | Zaire | Tecom Zambia | Tecom Zimbabwe